Here is a atomic number, elements symbol, atomic weight and element names of list the chemical elements that are arranged by increasing the number of atoms periodic table of all chemistry elements. Each element is uniquely defined by its atomic number. The names elements and symbols and weight of the chemistry elements are given.
All Chemical Elements & Chemistry Elements Names, Symbols, Atomic Weight values are the weighted average of the chemical and chemistry elements. That entity has a symbol of one or two characters, like the periodic table, by the number of protons in their atoms. The periodic table of the chemical and chemistry elements is a common view of all 118 elements.
Here list of chemistry periodic table for chemistry students and any reader for increasing your general knowledge.
All Chemical Elements & Chemistry Elements Names, Symbols, Atomic Weight values are the weighted average of the chemical and chemistry elements. That entity has a symbol of one or two characters, like the periodic table, by the number of protons in their atoms. The periodic table of the chemical and chemistry elements is a common view of all 118 elements.
Here list of chemistry periodic table for chemistry students and any reader for increasing your general knowledge.
Periodic Table of Elements with Names and Symbols
List of All 118 Chemistry Elements Names, Atomic Numbers, Symbols & Atomic Weight
Atomic No | Symbol | Elements Name | Atomic Weight |
1 | H | Hydrogen | 1.008 |
2 | He | Helium | 4.002 |
3 | Li | Lithium | 6.94 |
4 | Be | Beryllium | 9.012 |
5 | B | Boron | 10.81 |
6 | C | Carbon | 12.011 |
7 | N | Nitrogen | 14.00 |
8 | O | Oxygen | 15.99 |
9 | F | Fluorine | 18.99 |
10 | Ne | Neon | 20.18 |
11 | Na | Sodium | 22.99 |
12 | Mg | Magnesium | 24.30 |
13 | Al | Aluminum | 26.98 |
14 | Si | Silicon | 28.08 |
15 | P | Phosphorus | 30.97 |
16 | S | Sulfur | 32.06 |
17 | Cl | Chlorine | 35.45 |
18 | Ar | Argon | 39.94 |
19 | K | Potassium | 39.09 |
20 | Ca | Calcium | 40.07 |
21 | Sc | Scandium | 44.95 |
22 | Ti | Titanium | 47.86 |
23 | V | Vanadium | 50.94 |
24 | Cr | Chromium | 51.99 |
25 | Mn | Manganese | 54.93 |
26 | Fe | Iron | 55.84 |
27 | Co | Cobalt | 58.93 |
28 | Ni | Nickel | 58.69 |
29 | Cu | Copper | 63.54 |
30 | Zn | Zinc | 65.39 |
31 | Ga | Gallium | 69.72 |
32 | Ge | Germanium | 72.64 |
33 | As | Arsenic | 74.92 |
34 | Se | Selenium | 78.96 |
35 | Br | Bromine | 79.90 |
36 | Kr | Krypton | 83.80 |
37 | Rb | Rubidium | 85.46 |
38 | Sr | Strontium | 87.62 |
39 | Y | Yttrium | 88.90 |
40 | Zr | Zirconium | 91.22 |
41 | Nb | Niobium | 92.90 |
42 | Mo | Molybdenum | 95.94 |
43 | Tc | Technetium | 98.00 |
44 | Ru | Ruthenium | 101.0 |
45 | Rh | Rhodium | 102.9 |
46 | Pd | Palladium | 106.4 |
47 | Ag | Silver | 107.8 |
48 | Cd | Cadmium | 112.4 |
49 | In | Indium | 114.8 |
50 | Sn | Tin | 118.7 |
51 | Sb | Antimony | 121.7 |
52 | Te | Tellurium | 127.6 |
53 | I | Iodine | 126.9 |
54 | Xe | Xenon | 131.2 |
55 | Cs | Cesium | 132.9 |
56 | Ba | Barium | 137.3 |
57 | La | Lanthanum | 138.9 |
58 | Ce | Cerium | 140.1 |
59 | Pr | Praseodymium | 140.9 |
60 | Nd | Neodymium | 144.2 |
61 | Pm | Promethium | 145.0 |
62 | Sm | Samarium | 150.3 |
63 | Eu | Europium | 151.9 |
64 | Gd | Gadolinium | 157.2 |
65 | Tb | Terbium | 158.9 |
66 | Dy | Dysprosium | 162.5 |
67 | Ho | Holmium | 164.9 |
68 | Er | Erbium | 167.2 |
69 | Tm | Thulium | 168.9 |
70 | Yb | Ytterbium | 173.0 |
71 | Lu | Lutetium | 174.9 |
72 | Hf | Hafnium | 178.4 |
73 | Ta | Tantalum | 180.9 |
74 | W | Tungsten | 183.8 |
75 | Re | Rhenium | 186.2 |
76 | Os | Osmium | 190.2 |
77 | Ir | Iridium | 192.2 |
78 | Pt | Platinum | 195.0 |
79 | Au | Gold | 196.9 |
80 | Hg | Mercury | 200.5 |
81 | Tl | Thallium | 204.3 |
82 | Pb | Lead | 207.2 |
83 | Bi | Bismuth | 208.9 |
84 | Po | Polonium | 209.0 |
85 | At | Astatine | 210.0 |
86 | Rn | Radon | 222.0 |
87 | Fr | Francium | 223.0 |
88 | Ra | Radium | 226.0 |
89 | Ac | Actinium | 227.0 |
90 | Th | Thorium | 232.0 |
91 | Pa | Protactinium | 231.0 |
92 | U | Uranium | 238.0 |
93 | Np | Neptunium | 237.0 |
94 | Pu | Plutonium | 244.0 |
95 | Am | Americium | 243.0 |
96 | Cm | Curium | 247.0 |
97 | Bk | Berkelium | 247.0 |
98 | Cf | Californium | 251.0 |
99 | Es | Einsteinium | 252.0 |
100 | Fm | Fermium | 257.0 |
101 | Md | Mendelevium | 258.0 |
102 | No | Nobelium | 259.0 |
103 | Lr | Lawrencium | 262.0 |
104 | Rf | Rutherfordium | 261.0 |
105 | Db | Dubnium | 262.0 |
106 | Sg | Seaborgium | 266.0 |
107 | Bh | Bohrium | 264.0 |
108 | Hs | Hassium | 277.0 |
109 | Mt | Meitnerium | 268.0 |
110 | Ds | Darmstadtium | 281.0 |
111 | Rg | Roentgenium | 282.0 |
112 | Cn | Copernicium | 285.0 |
113 | Nh | Nihonium | 286.0 |
114 | Fl | Flerovium | 289.0 |
115 | Mc | Moscovium | 290.0 |
116 | Lv | Livermorium | 293.0 |
117 | Ts | Tennessine | 294.0 |
118 | Og | Oganesson | 294.0 |